Expressionist drama aims to

a. shock the audience by portraying characters with unrealistic conflicts
b. make the audience focus on themselves rather than on the stage
c. keep drama within the confines of a "beginning, middle, end" pattern
d. reveal the inner consciousness of characters

i think its A but im not sure


The correct answer is d. reveal the inner consciousness of characters.

Expressionist drama is a form of theater that originated in the early 20th century and sought to depict the inner emotional and psychological states of characters. It aimed to break away from realistic portrayals and instead focused on portraying the subjective experience of the characters, often using distorted settings, dialogue, and visuals to represent their inner thoughts and emotions.

While shock value can be a characteristic of some expressionist plays, it is not the main objective of expressionist drama. The goal is to delve into the deeper levels of human consciousness and explore the inner workings of the characters' minds.

Option b is not correct because expressionist drama does not necessarily prioritize making the audience focus on themselves. Instead, it aims to provoke introspection and analysis of the characters' inner worlds.

Option c is also not correct. Expressionist drama often defies traditional structural conventions, including the "beginning, middle, end" pattern, in order to convey the inner turmoil and heightened emotions of the characters.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and analyze them.

a. Shock the audience by portraying characters with unrealistic conflicts.
Expressionist drama does indeed aim to shock the audience, but it goes beyond simply portraying characters with unrealistic conflicts. Expressionism is known for exaggerating and distorting reality to evoke strong emotional reactions from the audience.

b. Make the audience focus on themselves rather than on the stage.
While it is true that expressionist drama often seeks to engage the audience's emotions and cause introspection, this option does not accurately capture the full essence of expressionist drama.

c. Keep drama within the confines of a "beginning, middle, end" pattern.
This option does not align with expressionist drama. Expressionism often challenges traditional narrative structures, aiming to portray emotions and inner states of mind rather than adhering strictly to a linear storyline.

d. Reveal the inner consciousness of characters.
This option accurately represents one of the main goals of expressionist drama. Expressionist playwrights seek to delve deep into the psyche of their characters, exploring their emotions, desires, and struggles. They use various techniques such as symbolism and visual distortions to express the inner consciousness of the characters.

Based on the analysis, option d, "reveal the inner consciousness of characters," is the most accurate representation of what expressionist drama aims to achieve.