
lacking human qualities of compassion and mercy; cruel and barbaric.
synonyms: cruel, harsh, inhumane, brutal, callous, sadistic, severe, savage, vicious, barbaric

So basically in cruel farming method, which is going to be very subjective.

Inhuman farming methods refer to practices in agriculture that are considered to be inhumane or cruel to animals. These methods often prioritize maximizing production and profits over animal welfare. Unfortunately, there are several examples of inhuman farming methods.

To understand inhuman farming methods, you can start by researching and learning about intensive animal farming, also known as factory farming. This is a method of raising animals in high population densities, often in small and confined spaces. Factory farms focus on mass production and efficiency, usually at the expense of animal welfare.

Additionally, some inhuman farming methods involve the use of various confinement systems. For example, battery cages for poultry, gestation crates for sows, and farrowing crates for piglets are small enclosures that restrict the movement of animals. These confinement systems limit the natural behaviors and proper development of animals.

Another example of inhuman farming methods is the use of growth hormones and antibiotics in livestock production. These substances are often employed to promote rapid growth and prevent diseases in animals. However, their overuse can have negative implications for animal health and contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance.

Inhuman farming methods can also include practices such as dehorning, debeaking, and tail docking without anesthesia, which can cause pain and distress to animals. Additionally, the transportation and handling of animals can lead to stress, injuries, or even death in some cases.

It is noteworthy to mention that inhuman farming methods are increasingly being criticized by animal welfare organizations and the general public. Many countries have implemented regulations and guidelines to improve animal welfare standards in farming practices. Organizations advocating for ethical farming practices often promote alternatives like organic farming, free-range systems, and plant-based diets.

To deepen your understanding of inhuman farming methods, you can consult reliable sources such as academic research papers, reports from animal welfare organizations, and documentaries on the subject. It is essential to gather information from multiple sources to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the topic.