In Triangle RST, SR < ST and RT > ST. If angle R = 2x + 10 and angle T = 3x - 25, which is a possible value of x?

f. 25
g. 30
h. 35
j. 40

So far I've just drawn a picture for reference and I've been pondering about the problem for about 15 to 20 minutes now. My question is how do I figure out the value of x?

YOu know R+S+T= 180

Now, Angle T<R<S from the opposite sides.

So S is the largest angle, which means that it has to be greater than 60 deg.
or 195-5x>60
or 135<5x or x<27


To find the value of x, we can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

Given that angle R = 2x + 10 and angle T = 3x - 25, we can set up an equation:

(2x + 10) + (3x - 25) + angle S = 180

Simplifying the equation, we get:

5x - 15 + angle S = 180

Subtracting 180 from both sides gives:

5x - 195 = 0

Adding 195 to both sides gives:

5x = 195

Dividing both sides by 5 gives:

x = 39

Therefore, a possible value of x is 39.

None of the answer choices provided match the value of x = 39.

To determine the value of x, we need to use the properties of triangles and angles. Here's how you can approach the problem:

1. Start with the given information: In Triangle RST, SR < ST and RT > ST. This means that side SR is shorter than side ST and side RT is longer than side ST.

2. Use the angle sum property of a triangle: The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is always 180 degrees. In Triangle RST, we have angle R + angle S + angle T = 180 degrees.

3. Substitute the expressions for angle R and angle T: We know that angle R = 2x + 10 and angle T = 3x - 25. Substituting these values into the angle sum equation, we get:
(2x + 10) + angle S + (3x - 25) = 180.

4. Simplify the equation: Combine like terms, which gives us:
5x - 15 + angle S = 180.

5. Solve for angle S: To find the possible value of x, we need to find the range of angle S. Since angle R and angle T are acute angles (they both must be less than 90 degrees), angle S must be an obtuse angle (greater than 90 degrees), since the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

6. Substitute angle S = 180 - (2x + 10) - (3x - 25) into the equation:
5x - 15 + (180 - (2x + 10) - (3x - 25)) = 180.

7. Simplify the equation further:
5x - 15 + 180 - 2x - 10 - 3x + 25 = 180,
3x + 180 - 15 - 10 + 25 - 180 = 0,
-5x + 0 = 0,
-5x = 0.

8. Solve for x: Divide both sides of the equation by -5, which gives us:
x = 0.

Therefore, the possible value of x is not among the options given. None of the options (f, g, h, j) are correct.