3/4 h times 19mi / 1/4 h

3/4 h times 19mi / 1/4 h

= (3/4)(19/(1/4) (h)(mi/h)
= (3/4)(76) mi
= 57 mi

or, 3/4 hrs ÷ 1/4 hrs = 3 hrs
and 3(19) = 57

or, 19 mi/(1/4)h = 76 mph
you are doing this for 3/4 hrs, so (3/4)(76) = 57

The car is traveling 19 miles in 1/4 hour. It goes 3/4 h.

The simplest way to solve this is to multiply 3 times 19 to find how far it will go in 3/4 hour.


h × —
19 mi


8 h ×



8 h ×



To solve the given expression (3/4 h times 19mi / 1/4 h), we'll break it down into simpler steps.

Step 1: Multiply 3/4 h by 19mi
- To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together.
- 3/4 h * 19mi = (3 * 19) / (4 * 1) * h * mi = 57 / 4 * h * mi

Step 2: Divide the result by 1/4 h
- To divide fractions, multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.
- (57 / 4 * h * mi) / (1 / 4 h) = (57 / 4 * h * mi) * (4 h / 1) = 57 * 4 h / 4 * h * mi

Step 3: Simplify the expression
- Cancel out the common factors in the numerator and denominator: "4 h / 4 h"
- The final simplified expression is: 57 * 1 mi = 57 mi

Therefore, the answer to the given expression is 57 miles.