How did Japan attempt to solve its economic troubles during the Great Depression?

The Japanese government began to invest in less capital-intensive industries to reduce overhead and promote international trade.
The collapse of the US stock market caused inflation of the Japanese yen, which led Japan to abolish its currency and use only gold.
Due to the reduction in foreign trade, Japan became more militaristic to gain control of natural resources in Asia.
The Japanese government cut vital social programs in favor of internal infrastructure to avoid deficit spending.


C is correct


No, option D is not correct. Japan did not cut vital social programs in favor of internal infrastructure during the Great Depression. It implemented a series of measures to try and solve its economic troubles.

The correct answer is option A: The Japanese government began to invest in less capital-intensive industries to reduce overhead and promote international trade.

During the Great Depression, Japan faced a significant decline in its export markets, primarily due to reduced demand for its main export products, such as silk and textiles. In response, the government attempted to diversify its economy by investing in industries that required less capital and overhead costs.

This strategy aimed to make Japanese goods more affordable and competitive in international markets. The government also encouraged increased international trade to stimulate the economy and boost exports. These efforts were part of a broader policy of economic nationalism, which aimed to reduce dependence on external markets and resources.

It's important to note that although Japan focused on economic solutions, the economic hardships of the Great Depression, coupled with other factors, eventually contributed to the rise of militarism and Japan's expansionist aspirations in Asia. However, this was not a direct attempt to solve economic troubles but rather a consequence of the worsening economic conditions and desires for resources.


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