If a psychologist is having counseling sessions with workers, helping evaluate potential job candidates, and improving work environments, then that psychologist most likely works at __________.

a mental health center

a school

an academic institution

a government agency


Wouldn't "all of the above" make better sense? All can use those services.

D is most likely of the four.

Yes, that is correct. The psychologist most likely works at a government agency. Now, let's break down the options and see why.

1. Mental health center: While psychologists at mental health centers do provide counseling sessions and help improve mental well-being, they typically focus more on individual or group therapy for mental health issues, rather than evaluating job candidates or improving work environments.

2. School: Psychologists in schools usually work with students, providing counseling services, conducting assessments, and working on educational or developmental issues specific to students. They may also provide support to teachers and staff, but job candidate evaluations and improving work environments are not commonly within their scope of work in a school setting.

3. Academic institution: Psychologists in academic institutions mainly focus on research, teaching, and training future psychologists. They may provide counseling services to students and faculty, but evaluating job candidates or improving work environments would not be their primary responsibilities.

4. Government agency: Psychologists employed by government agencies often have a broad scope of work. They may be involved in various tasks such as counseling sessions, evaluating job candidates for government positions, and improving work environments within the agency. They may work with employees to enhance job satisfaction, productivity, and mental well-being. Therefore, a psychologist engaged in these tasks is most likely working at a government agency.