Can you recommend an easily accessed site for chemistry topics for engineers. (Preferrably with topics of crystallization and inorganic chemistry)

Ny experience is that a number of universities have sites run by professors there but generally those sites are accessed by specific topic and not by a full course. You can Google "Chem Team" and get good information. Or you can post your question on Jiskha. Often we can find a good site as a reference for you.

Here is the chemteam URL for the main menu.

Certainly! One easily accessible and reliable website for chemistry topics, including crystallization and inorganic chemistry, is Khan Academy. Khan Academy is a non-profit educational platform that offers numerous video lessons, practice exercises, and articles on a wide range of subjects, including chemistry.

To access the chemistry resources on Khan Academy:

1. Go to the Khan Academy website ( using any web browser.
2. On the homepage, click on the "Subjects" dropdown menu located at the top left corner of the page.
3. Scroll down and select "Science" from the available subjects.
4. On the Science page, find and click on the "Chemistry" category.

Once you're in the Chemistry category on Khan Academy, you'll find a variety of topics to explore, including crystallization and inorganic chemistry. You can browse through the lessons, videos, and articles specifically related to those topics to enhance your understanding.

Additionally, Khan Academy provides interactive exercises and quizzes to test your knowledge and reinforce your learning. You can track your progress and earn badges as you complete different sections.

Overall, Khan Academy is an excellent resource for engineers looking to learn and deepen their knowledge of chemistry, including topics like crystallization and inorganic chemistry.