If each edge of a cube is increased by 2 inches, the

A. volume is increased by 8 cubic inches
B. area of each face is increased by 4 square inches
C. diagonal of each face is increased by 2 inches
D. sum of the edges is increased by 24 inches

is the answer C ?

how many edges does a cube have?

a cube has 12 edges, so would the answer be D?


To find the correct answer, let's go through the options one by one and see how increasing each edge of a cube by 2 inches affects different measurements:

A. Volume is increased by 8 cubic inches: The volume of a cube is calculated by the formula V = s^3, where s is the length of one edge. By increasing each edge by 2 inches, the new edge length would be (s + 2). So, the new volume would be (s + 2)^3. Let's check if the increase in volume is 8 cubic inches:

(s + 2)^3 - s^3 = 8

Expanding the equation:

(s^3 + 6s^2 + 12s + 8) - s^3 = 8

The s^3 terms cancel out:

6s^2 + 12s + 8 = 8


6s^2 + 12s = 0

This equation does not result in a value of s that would satisfy the given condition. So, we can eliminate option A.

B. Area of each face is increased by 4 square inches: The area of one face of the cube is calculated by the formula A = s^2, where s is the length of one edge. By increasing each edge by 2 inches, the new edge length would be (s + 2). So, the new area would be (s + 2)^2. Let's check if the increase in area is 4 square inches:

(s + 2)^2 - s^2 = 4

Expanding the equation:

(s^2 + 4s + 4) - s^2 = 4

The s^2 terms cancel out:

4s + 4 = 4


4s = 0

This equation also does not result in a value of s that would satisfy the given condition. So, we can eliminate option B.

C. Diagonal of each face is increased by 2 inches: The diagonal of a face of the cube is equal to the length of the edge times the square root of 2. If we increase each edge by 2 inches, the new edge length would be (s + 2). So, the new diagonal would be (s + 2) * √2. Let's check if the increase in diagonal is 2 inches:

(s + 2) * √2 - s * √2 = 2

√2s + 2√2 - √2s = 2

2√2 = 2

This equation satisfies the condition, indicating that the length of the diagonal of each face is indeed increased by 2 inches. Therefore, option C is correct.

D. Sum of the edges is increased by 24 inches: The sum of the edges of a cube is calculated by the formula S = 12s, where s is the length of one edge. By increasing each edge by 2 inches, the new edge length would be (s + 2). So, the new sum of edges would be 12 * (s + 2). Let's check if the increase in sum of edges is 24 inches:

12 * (s + 2) - 12s = 24

12s + 24 - 12s = 24

24 = 24

This equation satisfies the condition, indicating that the sum of the edges is indeed increased by 24 inches. Therefore, option D is correct as well.

In conclusion, both options C and D are correct answers to the question.