solve the following literal equation for r

v=pi r^2h
I got r=+/- sq root v/pi•h
am i done or do i need to eliminate signs?

I agree with your answer.

You don't need the +- sign.

To solve the literal equation v = πr^2h for r, you need to isolate the variable r on one side of the equation.

Here's the step-by-step process:
1. Divide both sides of the equation by πh:
v/(πh) = (πr^2h)/(πh)
Simplifying the right side:
v/(πh) = r^2
2. Take the square root of both sides of the equation to solve for r:
√(v/(πh)) = √(r^2)
√(v/(πh)) = |r|
(Note: The absolute value |r| is used since r can be positive or negative.)
3. The resulting equation is: √(v/(πh)) = |r|
Therefore, r = ± √(v/(πh))

So, you were correct in finding r = ± √(v/(πh)). There is no need to eliminate the signs since the absolute value accounts for both positive and negative values of r.