
(15a+24b+13c) - (12a+18b+11c) = 15a+24b+13c-12a-18b-11c = 3a+6b+2c

combine like terms:

3a+6b+2c check that.

I would like to how to solve my expression


To solve the expression 27a - 42b - 24c, you don't need to do anything further as it is already simplified. There are no like terms to combine.

To simplify the given expression `(15a + 24b + 13c) - (12a + 18b + 11c)`, you need to combine like terms.

Let's break down the steps:

1. Subtract the terms within the parentheses individually:
- `15a - 12a = 3a`
- `24b - 18b = 6b`
- `13c - 11c = 2c`

2. Combine the simplified terms:
- `3a + 6b + 2c`

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression `(15a + 24b + 13c) - (12a + 18b + 11c)` is `3a + 6b + 2c`.
