Calculate the longitude of a place whose local time is 10am while GMT is 2pm

To calculate the longitude of a place based on the local time and GMT, you need to determine the time difference between the local time and GMT.

In this case, the local time is 10am and GMT is 2pm. The time difference between the two is 4 hours (2pm - 10am = 4 hours).

Next, you need to convert the time difference into degrees of longitude. Since the Earth rotates 360 degrees in 24 hours, each hour corresponds to 360/24 = 15 degrees of longitude.

So, to find the longitude of the place, you multiply the time difference by the longitude per hour. In this case, 4 hours x 15 degrees/hour = 60 degrees.

Therefore, the longitude of the place is 60 degrees.

60* w


four hours? 4/24=1/6

1/6 *360=60W (E or W is from the Prime Meridian)