Santiago, estás sacando notas malas. Primero, insisto en que tú limites el tiempo con tu novia o que estudies con ella. Tu novia te puede ayudar en tus estudios. Segundo, te recomiendo que tú decidas entre tocar la guitarra o jugar para el equipo de fútbol del colegio. Necesitas escoger sólo uno porque son actividades extracurriculares. Por último, es importante que trabajes menos en la tienda de tu padre. Puedes encontrar un buen trabajo si completas el colegio. Puedes mejorar tus notas si sigues estos consejos.

Please make any suggestions it needs to be three recomendations and three explantions

intro sentence

conclusion sentence

Any things i should take out or add

thank you very much sam

The Spanish is perfect now. Let me count everything.

Looks GREAT to me!



is there anything else you think i can add or change to make it better thanks much sam

Santiago, has been receiving poor grades lately. I strongly advise that you limit your time with your girlfriend or study together with her. Your girlfriend can help you with your studies. Secondly, I recommend that you choose between playing the guitar or joining the school soccer team. You need to pick just one because these are extracurricular activities. Lastly, it's important that you work less at your father's store. You can find a good job if you complete school. By following these recommendations, you can improve your grades.

Here is the revised version:

Intro sentence: Santiago, you have been struggling with your grades recently and I have some recommendations to help you improve.

1. Limit your time with your girlfriend or study with her: It is important to create a balance between your personal life and academic responsibilities. By limiting the time spent with your girlfriend or studying together, you can ensure that you have sufficient time to focus on your studies and seek her support when needed.

2. Choose between playing the guitar or joining the school soccer team: Participating in extracurricular activities is great for personal growth and enjoyment. However, juggling multiple activities can be overwhelming and impact your academic performance. By selecting one activity – whether it's playing the guitar or joining the soccer team – you can dedicate more time and energy towards excelling in that particular area.

3. Reduce your workload at your father's store: While it's admirable that you are helping out at your father's store, it's important to prioritize your education. Working too much can leave you exhausted and unable to fully focus on your studies. Consider discussing with your father the possibility of reducing your work hours or finding a part-time job that allows you to balance work and school effectively.

Conclusion sentence: By implementing these recommendations, you will be able to create a better balance between your personal life, extracurricular activities, and schoolwork, leading to improvements in your academic performance. Good luck, Santiago!