Piezoelectricity is caused by pressing or squeezing___________?

a power rods.
b. crystals
c. zinc plates
d. magnets

I believe the answer is b.

i think that is right

Both are right.

Yes, you are correct. Piezoelectricity is caused by pressing or squeezing crystals.

You are correct, the answer is b. Piezoelectricity is caused by pressing or squeezing crystals.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate choices a, c, and d, as they are not directly related to piezoelectricity. This leaves us with choice b, crystals.

To learn more about piezoelectricity, we can understand how it works. Piezoelectric materials, such as certain crystals, have a unique property where they generate an electric charge when physically deformed by pressure or force. When pressure is applied to the crystal, the crystal structure changes, causing the positive and negative charges within the crystal to separate. This separation of charges leads to the generation of an electric potential difference, resulting in the production of electricity. The reverse is also true - when an electric field is applied to the crystal, it deforms or changes its shape. This property is utilized in various applications, such as sensors, actuators, and energy harvesting devices.

Therefore, piezoelectricity is caused by pressing or squeezing crystals, making choice b the correct answer.