reminding students of rules and leading them towards self-discipline ia an example of what duty?

(a)classroom organization
(b)classroom maintenance
(c)classroom responsibilities
(d)classroom management(my answer)

who does most of the talking in a student conference?
(A)student(my answer)
(c)teacher aide

which of the followingtypes of tests would a teacher aide be most likely be asked to correct and grade?
(A)essay test
(b)short-answer test
(c)objective test( with only one correct answer(my answer)
(d)no tests only teachers are allowed to correct tests

all correct.

You are correct in your answer for the first question. Reminding students of rules and leading them towards self-discipline is an example of classroom management.

In a student conference, it is most likely that the student does most of the talking. Therefore, your answer of "student" is correct.

For the third question, a teacher aide would most likely be asked to correct and grade objective tests with only one correct answer. So, your answer of "objective test with only one correct answer" is also correct.

To answer the first question, "reminding students of rules and leading them towards self-discipline," we can determine it falls under the category of "classroom management." This is the duty or responsibility of the teacher to establish and enforce rules, maintain discipline, and create a conducive learning environment.

For the second question, "who does most of the talking in a student conference," it is usually the "student" who does the majority of the talking. A student conference is an opportunity for the student to discuss their progress, concerns, goals, and receive feedback from the teacher or other professionals involved in their education.

Regarding the third question, "which of the following types of tests would a teacher aide be most likely asked to correct and grade," the answer could be an "objective test with only one correct answer." Objective tests typically consist of multiple-choice, true/false, or matching questions, which can be easily scored by following a specific key or answer sheet. This type of test does not involve subjective grading or interpretation, which makes it suitable for a teacher aide to correct and grade under the supervision of the teacher.