mention institution responsible for promoting national unity in njigeria


Identify four institutions that promote national unity

unity schools


The institution responsible for promoting national unity in Nigeria is the National Orientation Agency (NOA).

To arrive at this answer, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding the concept of national unity: National unity refers to the cohesion, integration, and overall sense of belonging among citizens of a country, regardless of their differences in ethnicity, religion, culture, or regional background.

2. Next, investigate Nigeria's specific efforts to promote national unity: In Nigeria, the government has established institutions and agencies to foster national unity, one of which is the National Orientation Agency.

3. Search for the role of the National Orientation Agency (NOA): The NOA is Nigeria's premier agency responsible for promoting national unity, patriotism, and citizenship. It carries out various programs and initiatives aimed at enlightening Nigerians about their rights, responsibilities, and the importance of national cohesion.

By following these steps and conducting a search on the role of institutions promoting national unity in Nigeria, we can identify the National Orientation Agency (NOA) as the institution responsible for this purpose.