How did Belgium rule in Rwanda contribute to genocide?

Belgium rule led to the mass killing of Rwandans through ethnic cleansing.
Belgium King Nicholas I ordered his army to execute Tutsis throughout Rwanda.
Belgium favoritism toward Tutsis led to resentment by the Hutus.
Belgium administrators created a two-class system that led to the mass killing of Hutus.


d is not the answer

its c. just took the test and got it right

I think its A.

Based on the options provided, the most accurate statement that explains how Belgium ruled in Rwanda contributed to the genocide is:

Belgium favoritism toward Tutsis led to resentment by the Hutus.


During Belgian colonial rule in Rwanda, the Belgians issued identity cards to Rwandans, classifying them into two ethnic groups: Tutsis and Hutus. The Belgians considered the Tutsis, who were a minority, to be superior and gave them more privileges and opportunities. This created a system of favoritism and discrimination against the majority Hutus. Over time, this divide empowered Tutsis and fostered resentment among the Hutus. When Rwanda gained independence in the 1960s, the struggle for power between these two groups escalated, eventually leading to the mass killing of Tutsis during the Rwandan genocide in 1994.

D is correct.

This is a very simple question so I won't give the answer. Sorry, but I will say that link above will walk you right through the answer.