I need help putting the following trace into pseudocode

1 public class testOperators
2 {
3 public static void main(String[] args)
4 {
5 int x;
6 int y = 12
7 double z = 13.0;
8 x = 14
9 System.out.println(“x + y + z = “ + (x + y +z));
10 x += y;
11 y--;
12 z++;
13 z *= x;
14 System.out.println(“x + y + z = “ + (x + y + z));
15 }
16 }

Line # X Y Z Output
5 ?
6 12
7 13.0
8 14
9 x + y + z = 39.0
10 26
11 11
12 14.0
13 364

To put the given trace into pseudocode, we can follow the steps and assign values to the variables at each line. Here is the pseudocode for the given trace:

1. Create a class named testOperators
2. Declare a variable x
3. Declare and initialize a variable y with the value 12
4. Declare and initialize a variable z with the value 13.0
5. Assign the value 14 to x
6. Print "x + y + z = " concatenated with the sum of x, y, and z
7. Add y and z to x and assign the result to x
8. Decrease the value of y by 1
9. Increase the value of z by 1
10. Multiply z by x and assign the result to z
11. Print "x + y + z = " concatenated with the sum of x, y, and z

This pseudocode represents the given trace and provides the steps to achieve the same output.