The price of 5 citrons and 9 fragrant wood apples is 76 units the price of 9 citrons and 5 fragrant wood apples is 92 units find the price of a Citron and the price of a wood Apple

5c + 9a = 76

9c + 5a = 92

Can you solve those equations to find the price of a citron and the price of an apple?

To find the price of a citron and the price of a fragrant wood apple, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's denote the price of a citron as "C" and the price of a fragrant wood apple as "W".

According to the first statement, the price of 5 citrons and 9 fragrant wood apples is 76 units:

5C + 9W = 76 -- (Equation 1)

According to the second statement, the price of 9 citrons and 5 fragrant wood apples is 92 units:

9C + 5W = 92 -- (Equation 2)

We now have a system of two equations with two variables. We can solve this system to find the values of C and W.

One method to solve this system is by using the method of substitution. We can rearrange Equation 1 to solve for C in terms of W:

5C = 76 - 9W
C = (76 - 9W)/5

We can substitute this expression for C into Equation 2:

9[(76 - 9W)/5] + 5W = 92

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of W.