how did the Enlightenment influence the American and French Revolutions?

a.Enlightenment philosophers published pamphlets in favor of monarchs’ divine right to rule, angering people into revolution.

b.Ideas about natural rights philosophy caused people to question and overthrow monarchy in favor of representative governments.

c.Notions of full social equality caused the slave populations to rise up and overthrow their masters in favor of a democratic system.

d. Enlightenment emphasis on Protestant Christianity caused people to rebel against Catholic authority.


never mind B is right, i did it wrong, in the exam their were two options that begin with ideas.

Yes, B.

Thank you and thank you in advance for answering all my questions. Didn't get to say it in the last post I had.

Oml Smh.

I re-read my text and I believe it is B?

The correct answer is b. Ideas about natural rights philosophy caused people to question and overthrow monarchy in favor of representative governments.

To understand how the Enlightenment influenced the American and French Revolutions, it is important to have a basic understanding of the Enlightenment itself. The Enlightenment was an intellectual and cultural movement that took place in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. It emphasized reason, science, individual rights, and a questioning of traditional authority.

During this time, Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke, Voltaire, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau developed new ideas about government, individual rights, and the social contract. These ideas had a significant impact on both the American and French Revolutions.

In the case of the American Revolution, Enlightenment ideas about natural rights and the social contract heavily influenced the colonists. The colonists strongly believed in their natural rights, such as life, liberty, and property, as well as the idea that governments derive their power from the consent of the governed. These ideas were reflected in the Declaration of Independence, which declared the United States' independence from British rule and established the principles of equality and individual rights.

Similarly, in the case of the French Revolution, Enlightenment ideas played a pivotal role. French thinkers like Rousseau and Montesquieu advocated for the separation of powers, popular sovereignty, and the idea that all individuals are born free and equal. The French Revolution was driven by the desire to overthrow the absolute monarchy and establish a more just and equitable society based on these Enlightenment principles.

In conclusion, the Enlightenment influenced the American and French Revolutions by promoting ideas of natural rights, the social contract, and the questioning of traditional authority. These ideas inspired people to challenge the existing systems of government and strive for more representative and democratic forms of governance.

You're very welcome, Collin.

I just took the exam and B is wrong!!! i got a second attempt so ill see if i can get the right answer next time.

I disagree.