Which were characteristics of the Ottoman Empire?

(Select all that apply.)

It controlled much of central Europe.

Its capital was Moscow.

It was multinational.

Its rulers were Islamic leaders.

A, C, D?

Thank you!!!!

Yes, you're right.

You're welcome.

The correct characteristics of the Ottoman Empire are C and D.

C) It was multinational: The Ottoman Empire was known for its diversity and it encompassed various ethnic and religious groups, including Turks, Arabs, Persians, Kurds, Greeks, Armenians, and many others.

D) Its rulers were Islamic leaders: The Ottoman Empire was governed by Islamic leaders, specifically the sultans who held both political and religious authority.

Regarding the other options:

A) It controlled much of central Europe: This statement is not true. While the Ottoman Empire did expand into parts of Eastern Europe, it did not extend as far as central Europe.

B) Its capital was Moscow: This statement is incorrect. The capital of the Ottoman Empire was Constantinople (now known as Istanbul), not Moscow. Moscow was the capital of the Russian Empire.

Therefore, the correct answers are C) It was multinational and D) Its rulers were Islamic leaders.