Which correctly describes the positive impact of European imperialism?

Imperialist powers promoted their own interests over the well-being of indigenous peoples.

Imperialist powers sought social change through self-government.

Imperialist powers provided political unity and economic improvements to their colonies.

Imperialist powers established human rights initiatives for native inhabitants.


A was not positive for indigenous peoples.

To determine which option correctly describes the positive impact of European imperialism, we need to evaluate each option and its corresponding impact.

Option A: "Imperialist powers promoted their own interests over the well-being of indigenous peoples."
This option suggests that the impact of European imperialism was primarily negative, as it focuses on the prioritization of self-interests over the well-being of indigenous peoples.

Option B: "Imperialist powers sought social change through self-government."
This option implies that European imperialist powers aimed to bring about social change and grant self-government to their colonies. While this may have been the intention for some European powers, it is not a universally positive impact as the implementation of self-government policies often disregarded the cultural, social, and economic structures of the indigenous peoples.

Option C: "Imperialist powers provided political unity and economic improvements to their colonies."
This option proposes that European imperialist powers established political unity and brought about economic improvements to their colonies. While there were instances where European powers implemented infrastructure and economic advances in their colonies, it is important to note that these benefits were primarily for the benefit of the colonizers, and they often extracted and exploited resources from the colonies for their own economic gain.

Option D: "Imperialist powers established human rights initiatives for native inhabitants."
This option suggests that European imperialist powers focused on establishing human rights initiatives for indigenous populations. However, historically, European imperialism often led to the violation of human rights, as indigenous peoples were subject to forced labor, discrimination, and loss of land and resources.

Given the evaluation of each option, option A is the most accurate description of the positive impact of European imperialism. European imperialist powers primarily promoted their own interests over the well-being of indigenous peoples.