Directions: Grammar questions, choose the best answer.

1. Antes de subir la escalera, la niña _______________ de los huéspedes.
-se despidieron
-se había despedido
-se despida
-se despidiera
ANSWER: Se despida

2.Si me lo _________________ antes, te habría dicho que sí.
-hubieras pedido
-hayas pedido
ANSWER: Hayas pedido

3.Mi hermana me dijo que ella me _____________ el coche.
-haya devuelto

4.Yo iría de vacaciones con mis amigos si _________ el dinero.

5.Te di la invitación _____________ vinieras a la fiesta.
-para que
ANSWER: Porque

6.Margarita es vieja, pero Susana es ________________ de todas.
-más vieja
-la más vieja
-muchísima vieja
ANSWER: Más vieja

7.Me fui temprano del concierto porque yo no ______________ muy bien.
-se sentía
-me siento
-me sentía
-me sienta
ANSWER: Me sienta

8.¿Qué harías tú si ________ rico?
-has sido

9.¡No ________________ allí! Tú silla está sucia.
-te sientes
-se sienta
-te sentaras
ANSWER: Te sientes

10. ¿Hablaba Ramón el español ___________________Ricardo?
-tan bien como
-con tal que
-tal vez
ANSWER: Tan bien como

Thanks for the help!

all correct.

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help you with your grammar questions. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. Now, let's go through the questions and explain how to arrive at the correct answers.

1. Antes de subir la escalera, la niña _______________ de los huéspedes.
In this sentence, we need to use the present subjunctive form of the verb "despedirse" because it is talking about a hypothetical action. Among the given options, the correct answer is "se despida."

2. Si me lo _________________ antes, te habría dicho que sí.
This sentence is a conditional type 3 construction, talking about a hypothetical past situation. We need to use the past participle form of the verb "pedir" in combination with the auxiliary verb "haber." Among the given options, the correct answer is "hayas pedido."

3. Mi hermana me dijo que ella me _____________ el coche.
Here, we need to use the conditional form of the verb "devolver" because it refers to a hypothetical action. Among the given options, the correct answer is "devolvería."

4. Yo iría de vacaciones con mis amigos si _________ el dinero.
This sentence is also a conditional type 2 construction, talking about a hypothetical present situation. We need to use the imperfect subjunctive form of the verb "tener." Among the given options, the correct answer is "tuviera."

5. Te di la invitación _____________ vinieras a la fiesta.
In this sentence, we need to use the conjunction "porque" to indicate the reason for giving the invitation. Among the given options, the correct answer is "porque."

6. Margarita es vieja, pero Susana es ________________ de todas.
Here, we need to use the comparative form of the adjective "vieja" to compare the ages of Margarita and Susana. Among the given options, the correct answer is "más vieja."

7. Me fui temprano del concierto porque yo no ______________ muy bien.
We need to use the present indicative form of the verb "sentir" to indicate the current state of not feeling well. Among the given options, the correct answer is "me siento."

8. ¿Qué harías tú si ________ rico?
The sentence is talking about a hypothetical situation. We need to use the imperfect subjunctive form of the verb "ser" to combine with the conditional verb form "harías." Among the given options, the correct answer is "fueras."

9. ¡No ________________ allí! Tu silla está sucia.
In this sentence, we need to use the reflexive form of the verb "sentarse" to indicate the command "sit down." Among the given options, the correct answer is "siéntate."

10. ¿Hablaba Ramón el español ___________________Ricardo?
Here, we need to use the comparative construction "tan bien como" to express "as well as." Among the given options, the correct answer is "tan bien como."

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.