0.2B + 0.1S = C

Rhia is using the above equation to investigate the carbon footprint, C, in kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, for her morning commute which S miles are by subway and B miles are by bus. How many kilograms of (CO2) per mile does the bus portion contribute to Rhia's carbon footprint?

0.2 kg/mile * B miles = kg from bus


thank you

To find the number of kilograms of CO2 emissions per mile for the bus portion of Rhia's morning commute, we need to isolate the variable B in the equation.

0.2B + 0.1S = C

Let's rearrange the equation to solve for B:

0.2B = C - 0.1S

Divide both sides of the equation by 0.2:

B = (C - 0.1S) / 0.2

Now we have the formula to calculate the bus portion's contribution to Rhia's carbon footprint per mile.

To find out how many kilograms of CO2 emissions the bus portion contributes per mile, we need to rearrange the equation:

0.2B + 0.1S = C

We want to isolate B, which represents the number of miles traveled by bus. Let's do that step by step:

1. Subtract 0.1S from both sides of the equation:
0.2B = C - 0.1S

2. Divide both sides of the equation by 0.2:
B = (C - 0.1S) / 0.2

Now, we have an equation for B, which represents the number of miles traveled by bus. To find the carbon footprint contributed by the bus portion per mile, we need to find the ratio of CO2 emissions (C) to the number of miles by bus (B).

The expression (C - 0.1S) represents the total CO2 emissions for the entire commute, and dividing it by 0.2 gives us the number of miles traveled by bus (B). Therefore, to find the carbon footprint per mile of the bus portion, we divide (C - 0.1S) by 0.2B:

Carbon Footprint per mile by bus = (C - 0.1S) / 0.2B

Substituting the given values in the equation, where S represents the miles traveled by subway and B represents the miles traveled by bus, we can solve it to find the answer.