Read the following example.

JAMIE: Goodbye, Daniel.

(Jaime exits.)

DANIEL (to himself): Man, I am so glad he's gone! Sometimes it's just so hard to be around Jamie. It's like he doesn't understand that other people have feelings, too. I really want to talk to him about this, but I'm afraid of what he'll say. I don't know what to do.

Which type of on-stage speech is this?



To determine the type of on-stage speech in the given example, we need to understand the differences between the options provided and analyze the context.

1. Monologue: A monologue is a speech delivered by one character to others on stage. It is typically longer and can involve a character expressing their thoughts, feelings, or intentions.

2. Aside: An aside is a brief remark or comment made by a character directly to the audience or to themselves. It is often used to provide additional information without the other characters on stage hearing it.

3. Soliloquy: A soliloquy is a type of monologue where a character speaks their thoughts aloud when they are alone on stage. It serves to reveal their innermost thoughts, feelings, and intentions.

4. Dialogue: Dialogue refers to a conversation between two or more characters.

In the given example, Daniel's speech is directed to himself and there are no other characters interacting with him on stage. He is expressing his thoughts, feelings, and uncertainty about wanting to talk to Jamie.

Based on this analysis, the type of on-stage speech in the given example is a soliloquy.