Which of the following literary elements are found both in drama and in other kinds of fiction? (Select five.)

stage directions


The five literary elements that are found in both drama and other kinds of fiction are:

1. Dialogue: This is the conversation between characters, which helps to move the story forward and reveal information about the characters and the plot.

2. Plot: The plot refers to the sequence of events that make up a story. It includes the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

3. Conflict: Conflict is the struggle or problem that drives the story. It can be internal (within a character) or external (between characters or with the environment).

4. Setting: The setting is the time and place in which the story takes place. It helps to establish the mood, atmosphere, and context for the story.

5. Character: Characters are the people, animals, or entities that the story revolves around. They can be developed through their actions, dialogue, thoughts, and interactions with others.

Please note that monologue and stage directions are specific to drama and may not be found in other kinds of fiction.

To determine which of the given literary elements are found both in drama and in other kinds of fiction, we can analyze each element and its presence in both genres.

1. Monologue: This literary element is typically found in drama, where a character speaks alone on stage. While monologues can be found in some forms of fiction, such as soliloquies in novels or internal thoughts in first-person narratives, they are more commonly associated with dramatic works. Therefore, monologue is primarily found in drama.

2. Dialogue: Dialogue is a crucial element in both drama and other types of fiction. It involves conversation between characters and is used to convey information, reveal character traits, and advance the plot. Hence, dialogue is a shared element between drama and other kinds of fiction.

3. Plot: The plot refers to the sequence of events that make up a story. It is a fundamental element in both drama and other forms of fiction. Whether it is the development of conflict, resolution of conflicts, or building of suspense, the plot plays a significant role in both drama and other genres.

4. Stage directions: Stage directions are specific instructions given in a drama to guide the actors, director, and production team in terms of movement, expressions, and blocking. They provide details about how the play should be presented on stage. While stage directions are not typically found in other forms of fiction, they are unique to drama.

5. Conflict: Conflict is a vital element present in both drama and other kinds of fiction. It involves the struggle or opposition between two or more forces, which can be internal or external. Conflict is a driving force for storytelling and character development in both genres.

6. Setting: The setting of a story refers to the time, place, and atmosphere in which the events occur. It is a shared literary element between drama and other forms of fiction. Whether it is a stage set or a detailed description of a fictional world, the setting helps situate the audience or readers.

7. Character: Characters are essential to both drama and other genres of fiction. They are the individuals or entities that drive the narrative, engage the audience or readers, and bring the story to life. Characters contribute to the development of plot, conflict, and themes in both drama and other forms of fiction.

As a result, the five literary elements that are found both in drama and other kinds of fiction are dialogue, plot, conflict, setting, and character.