Which of the following is true about the single-celled paramecium?

A. It is an example of a higher form of animal
B. It has life functions similar to ours
C. It lacks the ability to circulate
D. It lacks life functions

Please list examples of life forms of animals lower than

the single-celled paramecium


Please do not include political life forms in your list.

To determine which of the statements is true about the single-celled paramecium, we can analyze each option:

A. It is an example of a higher form of animal:
In order to verify this statement, we would need to define what constitutes a "higher form of animal." However, a paramecium is actually a type of microorganism and not an animal.

B. It has life functions similar to ours:
To evaluate this statement, we can compare the primary life functions of a paramecium to our own. Both paramecia and humans carry out core life functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli. However, the specific mechanisms and processes differ as paramecia lack specialized organs and systems like we do.

C. It lacks the ability to circulate:
To assess this statement, we need to determine whether a paramecium has a circulation system. Paramecia do not possess a circulatory system with a heart or blood vessels like some higher organisms. Instead, they have a primitive form of circulation known as cytoplasmic streaming. During cytoplasmic streaming, the paramecium's cytoplasm moves in a rhythmic pattern, aiding in the distribution of nutrients and other substances.

D. It lacks life functions:
This statement is incorrect. As mentioned earlier, paramecia possess various life functions required for survival and reproduction, such as metabolism, growth, response to stimuli, and reproduction.

In summary, from the options provided, the correct statement about the single-celled paramecium is:
C. It lacks the ability to circulate, as paramecia lack a circulatory system similar to those found in higher organisms.