What led to the development of one-crop economies?

A. Joint-stock companies found profitability in monopolizing one cash crop.
B. One-crop economies were developed through slash-and-burn agricultural practices.
C. Colonies sought to reduce costs by concentrating on one cash crop rather than many.
D. European monarchs sought to reduce competition and increase profits through one-crop economies


I agree.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and evaluate each option:

A. Joint-stock companies found profitability in monopolizing one cash crop.
- This option suggests that joint-stock companies realized they could make a profit by controlling the production of a single cash crop. However, it doesn't directly explain how one-crop economies developed.

B. One-crop economies were developed through slash-and-burn agricultural practices.
- This option suggests that one-crop economies originated from the use of slash-and-burn agricultural practices. While this practice could potentially lead to the development of one-crop economies, it doesn't provide a comprehensive explanation.

C. Colonies sought to reduce costs by concentrating on one cash crop rather than many.
- This option asserts that colonies decided to focus on cultivating a single cash crop to lower expenses. This rationale aligns with the development of one-crop economies, as concentrating on one crop can lead to cost reductions.

D. European monarchs sought to reduce competition and increase profits through one-crop economies.
- This option proposes that European monarchs aimed to decrease competition and enhance profits through one-crop economies. While this motivation could be a contributing factor, it doesn't provide a complete explanation.

After evaluating each option, C stands out as the most comprehensive answer. Colonies' decision to concentrate on one cash crop can be seen as a strategy to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Thus, option C is likely the correct answer.