What courses & career can I do with these subjects?

Happy Thursday Kgopotso!

What a wonderful compolation of courses you have taken. You need to do a few things.
1) Go to your guidance councilor at school and see what pathways they suggest
2) before that you should take a career survey. It may narrow your field of study down a bit for you before you go to the guidance councilor
https://www.whatcareerisrightforme.com/ or

And at the end of the day you need to choose a career that makes your heart sing. It is kind of like putting on your favourite shirt. You could wear your favourite shirt each and every day because it fits well, and you love how it looks.
A career is the same thing. You need to find one that is your favourite and that will make you happy each and every day.

In today's society you don't need to keep the same job, but you usually stay in the same field of study. So an entry level job in your chosen field is a foot in the door.

To recap... think about with of your areas of study make your heart sing, do a survey, see your guidance councilor.

Hope this helps,
Yours in Mathematical fun, Ms Pi 3.14159265358979323846264338327...

To determine which courses and careers you can pursue with certain subjects, follow these steps:

1. Identify your subjects: Write down the list of subjects you are interested in or currently studying.

2. Research the subjects: Gain a solid understanding of the content covered in each subject. This will help you identify the specific knowledge and skills you will acquire.

3. Determine the relationship between subjects: Analyze how these subjects are related. Are there any common themes or overlapping areas of study?

4. Explore academic options: Look for courses or programs that incorporate your subjects of interest. Start by researching universities, colleges, or online platforms that offer courses in the fields you want to explore.

5. Consider interdisciplinary programs: If your subjects are not directly related, consider interdisciplinary programs that incorporate multiple disciplines. These programs offer a unique blend of subjects and can widen your career options.

6. Consult career resources: Use reputable career resources, such as career counseling services, online job portals, or industry-specific websites, to explore career opportunities related to your subjects. Identify the qualifications and skills required for those careers.

7. Make a shortlist: Based on your research, create a shortlist of potential courses or careers that align with your preferred subjects and personal interests.

8. Seek guidance: Reach out to academic advisors, professionals in the field, or mentors who can provide personalized guidance and insights based on your specific interests and goals.

Remember, this process requires thorough research, exploration, and self-reflection. By following these steps, you will be better equipped to make informed decisions about your course of study and future career path.