When a student begins a new reading assignment, what should he or she do first?

Highlighting and Memorizing important information in each section would be what you would do after scanning the assignment quickly so that you know what to expect.

When a student begins a new reading assignment, there are a few important steps they should take to start off on the right path. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Read the assignment instructions: The student should carefully read the instructions for the reading assignment. This will provide them with an understanding of what is expected of them and any specific guidelines or questions they need to address.

2. Skim through the text: Before diving into the reading, the student should take a few minutes to skim through the text. They can read the headings, subheadings, and topic sentences in each paragraph to get a sense of the main ideas and the overall structure of the text.

3. Set reading goals: Based on the assignment instructions and their initial skim, the student should set reading goals. These goals can include identifying key concepts, understanding arguments or theories, or highlighting specific examples or evidence.

4. Preview any study materials: If the reading assignment comes with study materials such as supplementary videos, lecture notes, or study guides, the student should preview them. These materials can provide valuable context and help them understand the reading better.

5. Take notes while reading: As the student reads through the assignment, they should take notes. This can include summarizing key points, jotting down questions or thoughts, highlighting important passages, or marking unfamiliar terms or concepts.

6. Review and check understanding: After finishing the reading, the student should take some time to review what they have read. They can go back to their notes and try to consolidate their understanding of the material. If there are any areas of confusion, they should consider seeking clarification from the instructor or classmates.

By following these steps, a student can approach a new reading assignment in a deliberate and structured manner, helping them better comprehend and engage with the text.

When starting a new reading assignment, a student should follow these steps:

1. Preview the material: Begin by skimming through the text to get a general idea of what it is about. Read the title, headings, subheadings, and any other text features like bold or italicized words. Look at the introduction or preface to understand the purpose and scope of the reading.

2. Set goals: Determine what you hope to accomplish by reading the assignment. Ask yourself questions like: What do I want to learn or understand from this text? Do I need to focus on specific concepts or details?

3. Create a reading plan: Break down the reading into smaller sections or chunks. Consider how much time you have available and allocate it accordingly. If necessary, set specific milestones or checkpoints to keep yourself on track.

4. Get organized: Gather any necessary materials such as a highlighter, pen, notebook, or sticky notes. Having these tools handy can help you annotate or jot down important points while reading.

5. Read actively: As you start reading, engage with the text actively. Highlight or underline key points, write notes or summaries in the margin, and ask questions to promote deeper understanding. Frequent pauses for self-reflection can enhance comprehension.

6. Take breaks if needed: If the reading is lengthy, consider taking short breaks after completing specific sections or chapters. This can help prevent fatigue and improve focus.

7. Review and consolidate: After finishing each section or the entire reading, review the main ideas, key details, and any notes you made. Summarize the material in your own words to reinforce your understanding.

By following these steps, students can approach a new reading assignment more systematically and effectively.