What will happen if a positively charged glass rod is brought near another positively charged glass rod that is suspended by a silk thread

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If a positively charged glass rod is brought near another positively charged glass rod that is suspended by a silk thread, the two rods will repel each other due to their like charges. This means that they will both move away from each other.

To understand this phenomenon, we can start by understanding how electric charges interact. Like charges repel each other, while opposite charges attract each other. In this case, both glass rods have a positive charge, so they will repel each other.

The reason behind this repulsion lies in the transfer of electrons. When the first glass rod is charged by rubbing it with another material (such as silk), it gains some extra electrons and becomes negatively charged. On the other hand, the silk material loses some electrons and becomes positively charged. When the negatively charged rod is brought near the positively charged suspended rod, it induces a separation of charge in the suspended rod.

The positively charged glass rod repels the positive charges in the suspended rod. This happens because the electrons on the surface of the suspended rod are repelled by the close proximity of the negatively charged glass rod. The repulsion between the like charges causes the suspended rod to move away from the positively charged glass rod.

In summary, when a positively charged glass rod is brought near another positively charged suspended glass rod, they will repel each other due to the like charges. This repulsion is a result of the transfer of electrons and the repulsive force between like charges.