define inhumen farming methods

Give us your definition, I will gladly comment on it.

is when animals and food are not treated according to the code and ethics for farming

Inhumane farming methods refer to practices in animal agriculture that involve cruel or uncompassionate treatment of animals. These methods often prioritize maximizing profit and efficiency over the well-being and welfare of the animals.

To understand more about inhumane farming methods, one option is to research specific practices and examples yourself. This can include investigating the conditions in certain factory farms or intensive animal production facilities.

Another approach is to consult reliable sources such as animal welfare organizations, scientific studies, and ethical farming advocacy groups. These sources often provide information on inhumane practices and raise awareness about the negative impact they have on animals.

By educating yourself about the various aspects of inhumane farming methods, you can obtain a broader understanding of the issue and the impact it has on both animals and the environment. This knowledge can inform your decisions as a consumer and encourage you to support more humane and sustainable farming practices.