Santiago, estás sacando notas malas. Primero, insisto en que tú limites tiempo con tu novia o que estudies con ella. Tu novia te puede ayudar en tus estudios. Segundo, te recomiendo que tú decidas entre tocar la guitarra o jugar para el equipo de fútbol del colegio. Necesitas escoger solo uno porque son actividades extracurriculares. Por último, es importante que trabajes menos en la tienda de tu padre. Puedes encontrar un buen trabajo si completa el colegio. Puedes mejorar tus notas si sigues estos consejos.

Can you please review this

You are doing very well! This is a nice paragraph. Just a couple of things you might like to do:

limites "el" tiempo
sólo (with accent because it's the adverb only = either sólo or the long form "solamente"
si completa = because you are using the tú form = completas (if you complete)

Excellent job, Sam!


P.S. Thinking about this line:

que tú limites tiempo = it's a little better saying either "tu tiempo" or "el tiempo"


thanks so much

This message seems to be a piece of advice or a suggestion given to Santiago regarding his poor academic performance. The advice includes limiting time spent with his girlfriend, studying with her, choosing between playing the guitar or being part of the school's soccer team, and working less at his father's store. These suggestions are aimed at helping Santiago improve his grades.