Vikram spent 1/4 of his money on a science textbook and 2/3 of the remainder on stationary. What fraction of his money did he have left ?


1-1/4=3/4 is the remainder
2/3 of 3/4
Vikram's fraction of money= 1-1/4-1/2

1/4: book

2/3 * 3/4 = 1/2: stationery
1/4 left

To find out the fraction of money Vikram had left, we need to calculate the fraction of money he spent on the textbook and stationary.

1. Let's assume Vikram had 1 whole as the total amount of money he had.
2. He spent 1/4 of his money on the science textbook. So, the amount of money he spent on the textbook is 1/4 x 1 = 1/4.
3. The remainder amount is 1 - 1/4 = 3/4.
4. Vikram then spent 2/3 of the remainder on stationary. So, the amount of money he spent on stationary is 2/3 x 3/4 = 6/12 = 1/2.
5. The amount of money left is the remaining fraction of money, which is 1/2.
6. Therefore, Vikram had 1/2 fraction of his money left.

So, Vikram had 1/2 of his money left.

To find out what fraction of his money Vikram had left, we first need to calculate the amount of money he spent on the science textbook and stationary.

Let's assume Vikram had $100.

1/4 of his money spent on the science textbook = 1/4 * $100 = $25

The remainder of his money after buying the science textbook = $100 - $25 = $75

2/3 of the remainder spent on stationary = 2/3 * $75 = $50

Now, to calculate the fraction of money Vikram had left, we need to find the difference between the amount he had initially and the amount he spent. Then, divide that difference by the initial amount.

Amount Vikram had left = $100 - $25 - $50 = $25

Fraction of his money left = Amount left / Initial amount
= $25 / $100
= 1/4

Therefore, Vikram had 1/4 of his money left.