Anyone familiar with the play the merchant of venice by william shakespeare?

1.which of the following elements of comedy are not used by skakesspeare in the merchant of venice?
a. a clown like character
d.clever language
i chose c am i correct?

2.which of the following is not a theme in the merchant of venice?
a.things are not always what they seem inhumanity to man
c.friendship & loyalty
d.rites of passage or coming of age
i chose d am i correct? which act of a skakespearn play is the climax more likely to occur?
a.act 1
b.act 3
c act 4
d.act 5
i chose b am i correct

please someone check my answers this is due monday thanks so much


1. To determine which elements of comedy are not used by Shakespeare in "The Merchant of Venice," we need to understand the different elements of comedy.

a. A clown-like character: Shakespeare does incorporate comedic characters, such as Lancelot Gobbo, who provides comic relief throughout the play.
b. Puns: Shakespeare frequently uses wordplay and puns for comedic effect, so this element is used in "The Merchant of Venice."
c. Slapstick: Slapstick refers to physical humor involving exaggerated, comedic actions. While there may not be overt slapstick humor in the play, there are still comedic moments involving physicality.
d. Clever language: Shakespeare's plays are known for their clever use of language, including puns, metaphors, and wordplay, making this element present in "The Merchant of Venice."

Therefore, based on the given options, the correct answer should be a. A clown-like character.

2. Now let's analyze the themes in "The Merchant of Venice" to determine which option is not a theme in the play.

a. Things are not always what they seem: This theme is explored in the play through several instances, such as the disguise of Portia as a male lawyer.
b. Man's inhumanity to man: This theme is prevalent throughout the play, particularly in the treatment of Shylock and the antisemitism depicted.
c. Friendship and loyalty: This theme is also explored, with examples of loyal friendships between characters like Antonio and Bassanio.
d. Rites of passage or coming of age: This theme is not prominent in "The Merchant of Venice." The play focuses more on themes of justice, prejudice, and mercy.

Hence, the correct answer should be d. Rites of passage or coming of age.

3. To identify the act of a Shakespearean play where the climax is more likely to occur, we need to understand the structure of his plays.

Shakespeare's plays typically follow a five-act structure, wherein the climax generally occurs in the third act. This act often serves as a turning point in the story, where conflicts intensify, and major revelations or plot developments occur.

Therefore, based on this structure, the correct answer is b. Act 3.

Please note that, while these explanations help guide your understanding, it's always advisable to refer to the original text and consult with your teacher or classmates for further discussions and confirmation of answers.