My subjects are economics, business, maths lit and history I would like to know which career choices do I have

you can do law

Happy Sunday Hazel!

You have a great diverse background.
You should probably go to your local high school and see a guidance councilor to see what career paths you have available.
I would suggest you choose a career that "makes your heart sing", as you will be continue your career through your entire adult life : )
Math made my heart sing : )
Yours in Mathematical fun, Ms Pi 3.141592653589793238462643383...

I also dnt noe what career to follow ,I am currently studying maths business studie and economics.

What course can I do with this subjects

With your subjects in economics, business, maths lit, and history, you have a wide range of career choices. Here are some potential career options you might consider:

1. Economist: With a strong background in economics, you could work as an economist in government agencies, research institutions, or private organizations. Economists analyze economic data, conduct research, and provide insights into economic trends and issues.

2. Business Analyst: Your knowledge of economics and business could make you well-suited for a career as a business analyst. Business analysts help organizations identify areas of improvement and develop strategies for growth by analyzing data and market trends.

3. Financial Advisor: Your understanding of economics and financial concepts could make you an excellent financial advisor. You can help individuals and businesses make investment decisions, create budgets, and plan for their financial future.

4. Market Research Analyst: With your background in economics and math, you could pursue a career as a market research analyst. These professionals analyze market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes to help companies make informed decisions about their products and strategies.

5. Policy Analyst: A specialization in history and economics could lead you towards a career as a policy analyst. Policy analysts examine social, economic, and political issues and provide recommendations on public policy to improve outcomes and address challenges.

6. Entrepreneur: Your combination of business, economics, and math skills could also prepare you for entrepreneurship. You can apply your knowledge to start and manage your own business, using analytical and strategic thinking to make informed business decisions.

Remember, this is just a small sample of the many career possibilities available to you. It's important to research and explore various industries to find the career path that aligns with your interests and aspirations.