Advantages of result-based measures include three of the following. Which is not an advantage of resultbased

A. Result-based measures are generally less subjective than other kinds of performance systems.
B. Result-based measures are highly acceptable to employees and managers alike.
C. Result-based measures are relatively easy to link to the organization's goals.
D. Result-based measures are very effective in providing guidance on how to improve.

Yes, A.

To determine which option is not an advantage of result-based measures, we need to evaluate each of the given options.

A. Result-based measures are generally less subjective than other kinds of performance systems.
This option suggests that result-based measures are often more objective and less influenced by personal opinions or biases. This can be seen as an advantage of using result-based measures.

B. Result-based measures are highly acceptable to employees and managers alike.
This option suggests that both employees and managers find result-based measures to be acceptable. If a performance system is widely accepted, it can lead to better buy-in and cooperation from individuals. This can be seen as an advantage of using result-based measures.

C. Result-based measures are relatively easy to link to the organization's goals.
This option suggests that result-based measures are easily connected or aligned with the organization's goals. When measurement methods are closely tied to the overall objectives, it becomes easier to track progress and ensure that efforts are aligned properly. This can be seen as an advantage of using result-based measures.

D. Result-based measures are very effective in providing guidance on how to improve.
This option suggests that result-based measures are effective in offering guidance on how to improve performance. By measuring and analyzing results, organizations can identify areas of improvement and take appropriate actions. This can be seen as an advantage of using result-based measures.

Therefore, the option that is not an advantage of result-based measures is:

B. Result-based measures are highly acceptable to employees and managers alike.

If you want to check the answer, you can refer to relevant literature on performance measurement systems or ask for opinions from experts in the field.