A function, r, is defined as r(n) = (n-7)[(n+1)-7][(n+2)-7]... where n is an integer. What is the value of r(1)?

How do you do this?

r(n) = (n-7)[(n+1)-7][(n+2)-7]

r(1) = ....
wherever you see an n, replace it with 1
r(1) = (1-7)[(1+1) - 7][(1+2) - 7]
just work it out. Watch the order of operation, let me know what you get.

infinite since you have the "..."


To find the value of r(1), we need to substitute 1 into the function and calculate its value. Let's go through the steps:

r(n) = (n - 7)[(n + 1) - 7][(n + 2) - 7]...

For r(1), we substitute n with 1:

r(1) = (1 - 7)[(1 + 1) - 7][(1 + 2) - 7]...

Now, let's simplify each term step by step:

(1 - 7) = -6
(1 + 1) - 7 = -5
(1 + 2) - 7 = -4

Substituting these values back into the equation:

r(1) = -6 * -5 * -4 * ...

Since we don't have any further terms provided in the question, we can't calculate the final value of r(1).

The function provided seems to be an infinite product notation, where each subsequent term is calculated by decreasing the constant value by 7, but without more terms, we cannot find the exact value.