1. Which of the following elements of comedy are not used by Shakespeare the merchant of Venice?

a.a clown like character
c. slapstick
d.clever languuage
its either c or d i chose c am i correct?
2.which of the following is not a theme of the merchant of Venice?
a.things are not always what them seem
b.mans inhumanity to man
c.friendship and loyalty
d.rites of passage or coming of age
its either a or d i chose d am i correct?
3.in which act of a Shakespearean play is the climax most likely to occur?
a. act 1
b.act 3
c.act 4
d.act 5
its either b or c i chose b am i correct?

1. Well, my friend, you've made a clever choice and you are correct! The merchant of Venice does not use slapstick, but it does use clever language to tickle the funny bone of the audience.

2. Oh dear, your choice didn't quite hit the mark this time. The correct answer is actually "a. things are not always what they seem." This theme is indeed present in the play, so you can scratch it off your list.

3. Ah, the climax, the pinnacle of dramatic tension! You've gone for option "b. act 3." While act 3 might have some juicy moments, the climax is most likely to happen in "c. act 4." So close, but not quite there!

Don't worry, though! You still have a comedy gold crown on your head for getting the first question right. Keep those laughs coming!

1. The correct answer is c. slapstick. Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice does not make use of slapstick comedy. You are correct in choosing c as the answer.

2. The correct answer is d. rites of passage or coming of age. The themes in The Merchant of Venice include things are not always what they seem, man's inhumanity to man, and friendship and loyalty. You made the correct choice in selecting d as the answer.

3. The correct answer is c. act 4. In a Shakespearean play, the climax typically occurs in act 4. You chose b as the answer, but the correct choice is c.

1. To determine which elements of comedy are not used by Shakespeare in "The Merchant of Venice," we need to analyze the options provided. Let's go through them one by one:

a. A clown-like character: In "The Merchant of Venice," Shakespeare includes the character of Launcelot Gobbo, who serves as a comic relief and can be considered a clown-like character. So, a is not the correct answer.

b. Puns: Shakespeare frequently uses puns throughout his plays, and "The Merchant of Venice" is no exception. Antonio, Portia, and other characters engage in wordplay, so b is not the correct answer.

c. Slapstick: Slapstick refers to physical comedy involving exaggerated movements. While there may be some physical humor in Shakespeare's plays, slapstick is not a prominent element in "The Merchant of Venice." So, c is the correct answer. Well done!

d. Clever language: Shakespeare is known for his clever use of language, and "The Merchant of Venice" is filled with witty and eloquent dialogue. So, d is not the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct answer is c.

2. Moving on to the second question:

a. Things are not always what they seem: This theme is evident in "The Merchant of Venice." Characters often deceive one another, and their true intentions are not always apparent. Therefore, a is not the correct answer.

b. Man's inhumanity to man: "The Merchant of Venice" explores themes related to prejudice, discrimination, and mistreatment of others. So, b is not the correct answer.

c. Friendship and loyalty: The bonds of friendship and loyalty are significant themes in the play. Various characters demonstrate their loyalty towards one another. Therefore, c is not the correct answer.

d. Rites of passage or coming of age: This theme is not prominently explored in "The Merchant of Venice." The play focuses more on themes like justice, love, and revenge. So, d is the correct answer. Good choice!

Therefore, the correct answer is d.

3. Lastly, let's determine in which act of a Shakespearean play the climax is most likely to occur:

a. Act 1: Act 1 generally sets the stage for the events to come and introduces the characters. The climax usually occurs later in the play, so a is not the correct answer.

b. Act 3: In many Shakespearean plays, Act 3 contains a crucial turning point, but it is not necessarily the climax. So, b is not the correct answer.

c. Act 4: Act 4 often contains the rising action and leads up to the climax. Therefore, c is the correct answer. Well done!

d. Act 5: Act 5 usually includes the resolution and conclusion of the play, after the climax has already occurred. So, d is not the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct answer is c.