Please check these answers[my letter choice is in CAPS]:

1. In the steps of the scientific method, what is the next step after formulating and objectively testing hypotheses?
A. interpreting results
b. stating conclusions
c. conducting experiments
d. making observations and collecting data

2. The radius of Earth is 6370000 m. Express this measurement in km in scientific notation with the correct number of significant figures.
a. 6.37 * 10^6 km
B. 6.37 * 10^3 km
c. 637 * 10^3 km
d. 63.7 * 10^4 km

3. A newton is equivalent to which of the following quantities?
a. kg
b. kg*m/s
C. kg*m/s^2
d. kg*(m/s)^2


correct on all


1. The next step after formulating and objectively testing hypotheses in the scientific method is interpreting results. This involves analyzing the data obtained from experiments and drawing conclusions based on the observations made.

2. To express the measurement of 6370000 m in km using scientific notation with the correct number of significant figures, we need to move the decimal point so that there is only one non-zero digit to the left. In this case, it would be 6.37 km. Since we moved the decimal point three places to the left, we need to multiply by 10 raised to the power of three (10^3) to compensate for the movement of the decimal point. Therefore, the correct answer is B. 6.37 * 10^3 km.

3. A newton is equivalent to kg*m/s^2. This can be deduced by understanding Newton's second law of motion, which states that the force acting on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. The unit of force, the newton (N), is derived from this equation, where 1 N = 1 kg * m/s^2. Therefore, the correct answer is C. kg*m/s^2.