what is 6 2/3 times (-2 1/4) divided by (-3 1/3) divided by (-1 2/3)?

Hey! It's your turn now.

You should have learned from the explanations of similar problems posted by tutors. How do you think this problem should be solved?

I do not know I am so confused and they keep getting harder as I go and much harder to understand the problem I posted we never did those in school it is so confusing

Please study your text and the explanations the tutors have given you.

I believe Reiny's first step was to convert those fractions into something like this; i.e., 6 2/3 will be 20/3 then go to the next step.

To calculate the expression 6 2/3 times (-2 1/4) divided by (-3 1/3) divided by (-1 2/3), you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
- 6 2/3 = (6 * 3 + 2) / 3 = 20/3
- -2 1/4 = (-2 * 4 + 1) / 4 = -9/4
- -3 1/3 = (-3 * 3 + 1) / 3 = -10/3
- -1 2/3 = (-1 * 3 + 2) / 3 = -5/3

2. Simplify the multiplication.
- Multiply 20/3 by -9/4: (20 * -9) / (3 * 4) = -180/12 = -15

3. Simplify the division from left to right.
- Divide -15 by -10/3: (-15) / (-10/3) = -15 * (3/(-10)) = 45/10 = 4 5/10

4. Simplify the remaining division.
- Divide 4 5/10 by -5/3: (4 * 10 + 5) / 10 * (-3/5) = (45/10) * (-3/5) = -27/10

Therefore, 6 2/3 times (-2 1/4) divided by (-3 1/3) divided by (-1 2/3) equals -27/10.