1. Alice (is studying) hard for an exam.

2. Alice ( is *doing*) hard for an exam.

Thank you for your help.
The correct words for the blank in Sentence 1 (in the reading text) is 'is studying'.
However, a student wrote 'is doing' instead.
The point for 'is studying' is two. How would give a point for 'is doing' in this case?

"is doing" is incorrectl No points.

In this case, it seems that the desired answer for the blank in Sentence 1 is 'is studying'. However, a student wrote 'is doing' instead. To assign a point for 'is doing' in this case, you would have to analyze whether or not 'is doing' is an appropriate alternative that conveys the same meaning as 'is studying' in the context of the sentence.

One way to evaluate this is by considering if 'is doing' accurately represents the action that Alice is engaged in. While 'is doing' can be used to convey that someone is engaged in an activity, it does not specifically indicate studying. Therefore, it may not be considered a suitable alternative for 'is studying' in the given sentence, as it does not convey the intended meaning.

Ultimately, the point allocation for 'is doing' would depend on the specific criteria set for evaluating the answer. If the criteria focus strictly on accuracy and appropriateness of word choice, 'is doing' might receive a lower score or no points at all. However, if the criteria allow for some flexibility and consider the general understanding conveyed by the sentence, a partial score could be awarded.