What is the point of view of the passage?

third-person objective
third-person limited
third-person omniscient

What passage?

To determine the point of view of a passage, you need to analyze the perspective from which the story is being told. Here are the explanations of each option:

1. Third-person objective: This point of view presents the story from an external narrator's standpoint who remains impartial and does not have access to characters' thoughts or feelings. The narrator only reports on actions and dialogue.

2. First-person: In this point of view, the story is narrated by one of the characters, using pronouns like "I," "me," and "my." The narrator directly shares their experiences, thoughts, and feelings.

3. Third-person limited: With this point of view, a third-person narrator focuses on the thoughts and feelings of one specific character. The narrator's knowledge is limited to what that character knows or experiences.

4. Third-person omniscient: With an omniscient point of view, an all-knowing narrator has access to the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters. The narrator can provide insights into multiple character perspectives.

To determine the correct answer, you should closely analyze the passage. Look for pronouns, indicators of a character's thoughts, or whether the narrator is aware of multiple characters' perspectives.
