In the story Learning Guitar. Holly's dad restores her desire to learn how to play guitar, even though he does not know anything about playing guitar. What type of irony, if any, does

this demonstrate
a. verbal irony
b. situational irony
c. dramatic irony
d. not irony
I think it's situational irony

I agree.

To determine the type of irony demonstrated in the given scenario, we can first understand the different types of irony:

1. Verbal irony: This occurs when words are used to convey a meaning that is the opposite of their literal meaning. It involves saying one thing but meaning another.

2. Situational irony: This type of irony involves a situation in which the outcome is significantly different from what was expected or intended. It is characterized by a contrast between what is anticipated and what actually happens.

3. Dramatic irony: This occurs when the audience or readers have information or knowledge that the characters in the story do not. It creates a contrast between what the characters understand and what the audience knows.

In the given scenario, Holly's dad restores her desire to learn how to play the guitar, despite not knowing anything about playing it. This situation can be considered situational irony because it presents a contrast between expectations and reality. It is unexpected for someone who doesn't have knowledge about playing guitar to be able to reignite someone's passion for learning it.

Thus, the correct answer is b. situational irony.