Sarita cut 3/5 of a pie for her children. She gave 3/4 of the remaining to her neighbour. (a) what fraction of the pie did she gave to her neighbour (b) what fraction of the pie was she left with

1 - 3/5 = 2/5

3/4 * 2/5 = 3/10

1/4 * 2/5 = 1/10

Let, the total pie= 1

Part of pie for children= 3/5
= 1-3/5 = 2/5
Part of pie for neighbours= 3/4×2/5
= 3/10
Part of pie left with Sarita= 1/4×2/5
= 1/10
Thus, Sarita was left with 1/10 of the pie.


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To solve this problem, we'll break it down step by step.

(a) To find the fraction of the pie Sarita gave to her neighbor, we can multiply the fractions.

First, Sarita cut 3/5 of the pie for her children. This means that the remaining fraction of the pie after cutting is 1 - 3/5.

Next, she gave 3/4 of the remaining pie to her neighbor. To find this fraction, we multiply the remaining fraction (1 - 3/5) by 3/4.

So, the fraction of the pie Sarita gave to her neighbor is (1 - 3/5) * 3/4.

To simplify this fraction, we can find a common denominator for 5 and 4, which is 20. Multiplying both fractions by 4/4 and 5/5 respectively, we get:

(1 - 3/5) * 3/4 = (20/20 - 12/20) * 3/4 = (8/20) * 3/4

Now we can multiply the numerators and the denominators:

(8/20) * 3/4 = (8 * 3) / (20 * 4) = 24/80

Therefore, Sarita gave her neighbor 24/80 (or 3/10) of the pie.

(b) To find the fraction of the pie Sarita was left with, we subtract the fraction she gave to her neighbor from the remaining fraction after cutting for her children.

The remaining fraction after cutting for her children is 1 - 3/5.

Subtracting the fraction she gave to her neighbor, 24/80, from the remaining fraction, we have:

(1 - 24/80) = (80/80 - 24/80) = (56/80)

Therefore, Sarita was left with 56/80 (or 7/10) of the pie.