usage of phrasal verb conked out

I worked hard today. After returning home, I conked out on my sofa

Since three days, I have been not getting sleeps due to exams. Finally, after exams I conked out continuously for six hours.

The only correction is to change Since three days, I have been not getting sleeps due to exams.

For three days, exams have kept me from getting enough sleep.

The rest is fine.

it sure is grammatically correct but not with few errors....instead of saying "since three days", "for three days is more correct"....therefore saying "for three days, i have not been getting enough sleep due to Exams" is good

The phrasal verb "conked out" can be used to describe someone or something that suddenly stops working or functioning properly, often due to exhaustion or lack of power. In your examples, it is used to describe physical exhaustion and falling asleep.

To use the phrasal verb "conked out" properly, follow these steps:

1. Identify the context: Determine if the situation involves something or someone that has stopped working or functioning due to exhaustion, lack of power, or fatigue.

2. Observe the context: Look for clues in the sentence or surrounding sentences that indicate a sudden halt or cessation of activity.

3. Understand the meaning: In this case, "conked out" means to become extremely tired or exhausted to the point where one falls asleep or loses consciousness.

4. Structure the sentence: Use the phrase "conked out" in the appropriate context, usually by placing it after the subject and before the object or adverbial phrase.

Example sentence 1: "After a long day at work, I conked out on my sofa, completely exhausted."
Explanation: In this sentence, the subject is "I," and the object is implied to be the person who is tired and falls asleep on the sofa.

Example sentence 2: "I couldn't sleep for three days due to exams, but after they were over, I conked out for six hours straight."
Explanation: In this sentence, the subject is implied to be the person who was unable to sleep due to exams and later fell into a deep sleep for six hours.

Remember, the phrasal verb "conked out" can be used in various contexts, but it commonly refers to someone or something stopping or ceasing to function due to exhaustion or lack of power.