What is the smallest positive integer?

Im sure the smallest possible Integer is 1.

n integer (pronounced IN-tuh-jer) is a whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative, or zero. Examples of integers are: -5, 1, 5, 8, 97, and 3,043

So the "smallest", whatever you mean by that....
-1 is the greatest negative integer, 1 is the least positive integer.

Thank you mathlive

You're welcome

The smallest positive integer is 1.

To understand this, let's take a look at what positive integers are. Integers are a set of whole numbers that include positive numbers (greater than 0), negative numbers (less than 0), and zero. The set of positive integers includes numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on.

Now, to determine the smallest positive integer, we need to consider the concept of "smallest." When we arrange numbers in ascending order, the smallest number will always be at the very beginning of the sequence. Since 1 is the first positive number and there are no smaller positive numbers, it can be concluded that 1 is the smallest positive integer.