An empty beaker weighs 20g and when filled with a liquid weighs 65g. The volume of the liquid is found to be 25cm³. Determine the density of the liquid

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density=mass/volume=(65-20)/25 g/cm^3

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To determine the density of the liquid, we can use the formula:

Density = Mass / Volume

In this case, the mass of the liquid is the difference between the weight of the beaker when it is filled with the liquid (65g) and the weight of the empty beaker (20g). So,

Mass of the liquid = 65g - 20g = 45g

The volume of the liquid is given as 25 cm³.

Now, we can substitute the values into the formula:

Density = 45g / 25cm³

However, it's important to note that the units of mass and volume need to be consistent for accurate results. In this case, we need to convert grams to kilograms (since the SI unit for mass is kg) and cubic centimeters to cubic meters (since the SI unit for volume is m³).

1 kg = 1000 g
1 cm³ = 1 × 10^(-6) m³

Converting the units, we have:

Density = (45g / 1000) / (25cm³ * 1 × 10^(-6))

Simplifying the expression:

Density = 0.045 kg / (25 × 10^(-6) m³)

Further simplification:

Density = 0.045 kg / 0.000025 m³

Now, let's do the division:

Density = 1,800 kg/m³

Therefore, the density of the liquid is 1,800 kg/m³.