Which of the following results of the French and Indian War was a cause of the American Revolutionary War?

Native Americans lost large amounts of territory.
Britain incurred a large debt as a result of the war.
France ceded land in Canada and east of the Mississippi to Britain.
Spain ceded Florida to Britain and gained land west of the Mississippi

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The cause of the American Revolutionary War can be determined by analyzing the results of the French and Indian War and understanding their impact on the relationship between Britain and its American colonies. Let's examine each of the given options and determine which one was a cause of the Revolutionary War:

1. Native Americans lost large amounts of territory: While the Native Americans did lose significant territory as a result of the French and Indian War, this particular outcome did not directly cause the American Revolutionary War. Native American land dispossession did contribute to tensions between Native American tribes and British settlers in the years following the war, but it was not a primary cause of the Revolution.

2. Britain incurred a large debt as a result of the war: This outcome did play a crucial role in causing the American Revolutionary War. The French and Indian War was expensive for Britain, and to address their debt, they imposed several taxes and measures upon the American colonies, such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act. These acts were met with strong opposition from the colonists, who believed that their rights were being infringed upon and that they were being taxed without proper representation in the British government.

3. France ceded land in Canada and east of the Mississippi to Britain: Although the transfer of land from France to Britain did shape the territorial landscape in North America, it alone was not a direct cause of the American Revolutionary War. However, it did impact the relationship between the colonies and Britain, as the British now sought to assert greater control over their newly acquired territories, which further strained tensions.

4. Spain ceded Florida to Britain and gained land west of the Mississippi: Similar to the previous outcome, the transfer of Florida from Spain to Britain and the subsequent Spanish acquisition of land west of the Mississippi did not directly cause the American Revolutionary War. However, these territorial changes had an indirect influence on the American colonies' desire for greater autonomy from British control.

In summary, out of the given options, the result of the French and Indian War that directly caused the American Revolutionary War was Britain incurring a large debt. This debt led to increased taxation and measures imposed on the colonies, which sparked resistance and ultimately set the stage for the Revolution.