Hi, I need some help with these, I am really tired b/c of my surgery, an explanation would be enough, thank you ever so much.

1) Given the following line and point not on the line, find the distance between them.

y = 7x + 5


2) Find the distance between the lines.



3) Find the distance between the lines.



4) Given the following line and point not on the line, find the distance between them.



I will not do them all for you, they are all virtually the same.

1) Given the following line and point not on the line, find the distance between them.

y = 7x + 5

find a line perpendicular to that one through that point
slope = m' = -1/m = -1/7
y = -x/7 + b
-1 = 8/7 + b
b = -15/7
so the line we want is y = -x/7 - 15/7
or 7 y = -x -15
now where does that hit the first line?
7 y = - 1 x - 15
y = 7 x + 5 multiply this by 7

7 y = - x - 15
7 y = 49 x + 35
0 = -50 x - 50
x = -1
then y = 7x+5 = -2 so that point is at (-1 , -2)
I suspect you can find the distance between
(-1,-2) and (-8,-1)
sqrt (7^2+1^1) = sqrt 50 = 5 sqrt 2

by the way lines in #2 and #3 are parallel, so pick any old point on one of them

thank you so


You are welcome.

Of course, I'm here to help! Let's tackle each problem one by one:

1) To find the distance between a line and a point, you can use the formula for the distance between a point and a line. In this case, we have the line equation y = 7x + 5 and the point (-8, -1). The formula for the distance D between a point (x1, y1) and a line Ax + By + C = 0 is:

D = |Ax1 + By1 + C| / √(A^2 + B^2)

In our case, A = 7, B = -1, and C = -5. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

D = |7*(-8) + (-1)*(-1) + (-5)| / √(7^2 + (-1)^2)
D = |-56 + 1 - 5| / √(49 + 1)
D = |-60| / √50
D = 60 / √50

The distance between the line y = 7x + 5 and the point (-8, -1) is 60 / √50.

2) To find the distance between two parallel lines, you can find the distance between any point on one line and the other line. In this case, we have the equations y = 32x + 32 and y = 32x - 5.

Let's pick a point on one line, say (0, 32x + 32), and find the distance to the other line. Using the distance formula as mentioned in problem 1, we get:

D = |32*0 + (32x + 32)*1 + (-5)| / √(32^2 + 1^2)
D = |32x + 32 - 5| / √(1024 + 1)
D = |32x + 27| / √1025

Therefore, the distance between the lines y = 32x + 32 and y = 32x - 5 is |32x + 27| / √1025.

3) Similar to problem 2, the distance between two parallel lines can be found by selecting a point on one line and calculating the distance to the other line. In this case, we have the equations y = 3x + 10 and y = 3x - 20.

Choosing a point on the first line, let's say (0, 3x + 10), we can use the same distance formula as before:

D = |3*0 + (3x + 10)*1 + (-20)| / √(3^2 + 1^2)
D = |3x - 10| / √(9 + 1)
D = |3x - 10| / √10

Therefore, the distance between the lines y = 3x + 10 and y = 3x - 20 is |3x - 10| / √10.

4) Applying the same concept as in problem 1, we have the line equation y = -23x + 2 and the point (-2, -1). Plugging these values into the distance formula, we get:

D = |-23*(-2) + (-1)*(-1) + 2| / √((-23)^2 + (-1)^2)
D = |-46 + 1 + 2| / √(529 + 1)
D = |-43| / √530

The distance between the line y = -23x + 2 and the point (-2, -1) is 43 / √530.

I hope the explanations provided above are helpful. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!