1. I can jump more than 1 meter.

2. I can do more than 100 sit-ups at a time.
3. I can jump for 2 meters in the high jump.
[Are they all grammatical? Do you have more expressions?]

IYou can jump for one meter, NOT 1 meter. You can jump two meters, not 2 meters. Spell out all numbers less 13. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Otherwise, all are correct.

Also, remember never to begin a sentence with a number expressed in numerals. "One hundred push-ups is the most I can do at one time." "I can do 100 push-ups." "My annual salary is $25,000." "Twenty-five thousand dollars is my annual salary."

Yes, all three statements are grammatically correct. They are structured as simple declarative sentences, where the subject (I) is followed by the verb (can) and the object (the action being described). These statements describe physical abilities or achievements.

Here are a few alternative expressions to describe physical abilities:

1. I can leap over a meter.
2. I can perform over 100 sit-ups in one go.
3. I can clear a height of 2 meters in the high jump.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with!